Jumat, 22 Oktober 2010

Zuhud Non Meaning is Impecunious.

Human being created by Allah as khalifah on earth, as human being khalifah have heavy responsibility and duty. Even only just human being which accept this responsibility and duty, while the other refuse. In Al Holy affirmed by how creature besides human being do not ready to to shoulder the heavy duty. Paying attention Allah firman in Al Ahzab letter: 72 following.

Its meaning: " In fact We have told commendation ( religious duties) to sky, mounts and earth, Hence altogether shy at to shoulder that commendation and they party to betraying [him/ it], and shouldered by that commendation by human being." ( QS. Al Ahzab: 72)

Therefore, Allah award human being an ability which do not have by lian creature, that is ability think ( nadhariyah quwah) beside give ability of physical ( quwah ' amaliah) [is] such as those which passed to other Allah makhuk-makhluk. That thing is meant to assist human being in running its dutys.

Ably thinking [him/ it], human being can differentiate ugly and good things. That way also, with the award [of] human being in all day long [his/its] earn worthwhile nengambil to its it[him] and also others, and also can prevent something that can cause ugly to x'self also others. While ably owned physical [it], human being can try and work for to fulfill requirement [of] its life.

Duty human being as khalifah is to have religious service, good that religious service which in character individually and also social. Become, all action which its its[his], both for relating to their/his self and or others, only instructed for the religious service of and serve to Allah. Allah Berfirman in Adz Dzariyat letter: 56:

Its meaning: " And I [do] not create human being and genie but so that they serve to me." ( QS. Adz Dzariyat: 56)

Besides, human being also take charge of to develop;build earth (' imaratul-ardli), not on the contrary, destroy earth just for earthly importances and listen go desire [of] mere passion atmosphere.

Other on course, utilize to fulfill its fundamental life, human being require to eat, drink clothes, and residence. Fact like that's causing human being to work and make an effort in order to closing over requirement [of] life. Work and make an effort to look for living cost non meaning to express attitude like to good and chattel, but just fulfilling requirement [of] life. With that activity, human being can execute its duty.

In context like this, work and make an effort to become something that [is] obliged to, because have religious service [to] [is] [is] obliged to. While have religious service [to] without working, in general human being cannot fulfill requirement [of] its life. That thing is as according to method:

" Something that if obligation cannot perfect without him, hence something is the [of] law [is] obliged to its"

On the other hand, human being governed for the zuhud of, to leaving every thing related to is earthly. This represent a separate dilemma. One human being side have to work to look for good and chattel utilize to close over everyday requirement [of] nya, but on the other side him governed [by] zuhud. This become contemplation [all] Sufi - especially ancient moslem scholar/ salaf- utilize to give accurate and correct solution.

Congeniality [of] Zuhud according to Dusty Sayid Burn in Kifayah Al Atqiya' in fact [do] not differ far from picture above, that is:

" Eliminating depended liver to good and chattel ( world), non meaning to have no estae."

Other opinion tell, zuhud [is] to leave world fully. There [is] also telling, zahid [is] one who occupied x'self everything is mandatory [of] Allah and also leave all workdload to besides Its. May even exist telling, zuhud [is] to leave this world world will [there] no.
Difference [of] Congeniality [of] zuhud [among/between] the other and someone above, in fact leave from difference [of] each level or maqam in tasawuf. There [is] which when reaching certain maqam, someone only billah tsiqah ( trust fully to Allah) and surender x'self totally ( without endeavour and [do] not hope [at] besides Allah). That thing [is] mirror from three final definition about zuhud.

But, from congeniality [of] previous zuhud, can be taken [by] conclusion that zuhud non meaning to hate to world or have no good and chattel. But zuhud [is] to eliminate depended liver [at] besides Allah SWT ( good and chattel and is other). This conclusion in harmony with what have been explained [by] Al Ghazali, after [he/she] depict world - by is assorted [of] form and [his/its] variegation- what a affront and lower nya, his conclude: zuhud [is] leave all loved [by] passion atmosphere [go] to better with confidence what later he obtain;get much more [is] valuable compared to what left. Equally, zuhud [is] to leave earthly business to reach bliss [of] eternity.

Al Ghazali give picture as reflection to zahid ( one who [is] zuhud). First, (are) all the same to [among/between] owning estae and [do] not. Namely, [do] not feel to like with existence of estae, nor hard with no nya. [Both/ second], praised or interposed [by] others, [there] no influence to x'self. Third, pacification [of] its liver only leaning on Allah eye, and also its liver [is] fulfilled [by] feeling " scrumptious [of] nya devote" ( ta'at) to The Khaliq.

Become, zahid in fact is not someone which do not have good and chattel is at all. Is though his by good and chattel abundance, however if only base on Allah eye, do not to is other, can be categorized by zahid. Conversely, although someone do not have estae, however if its liver still base on besides Allah, cannot get out of world and always hope giving of others, hence him is not zahid.
All agreement, if zuhud represent a[n fomentation and is especial, as according to Prophet Muhammad polite:

" Use zuhud in world case, undoubtedly you will love by Allah. And use zuhud don't hope from something exist in human being grasp, undoubtedly you will take a fancy to human being."

In general, all of us it is true require good and chattel to take care of the continuity of life. But that thing don't be made by reason finish entire/all time just for working by forgetting obligation as mortal.

Target of human life non simply working and heaping good and chattel, but searching world kwbahagiaan and eternity ( Sa'adutud-daraini). World only as place plant ( Mazra'ah) by pious charitable as many as possible as stock for its life. Good and chattel only part of a world of a few/little its value is compared to life of endless and everlasting eternity. Hopefully I what have write this good for and useful in eternity and world……….Amen.

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